Monday, 29 January 2007
Saturday, 20 January 2007
Payment Recieved - January 2007!

Tuesday, 19 December 2006
Breakthrough: First real life video bags $400
The Best Multiplication Method! - video powered by Metacafe
I can't believe it. My first real life video has made it into the producer rewards. All it is, is a simple multiplication trick I picked up in primary school (first grade). I had to make it with my digital camera (which can record short movies!) as I still don't have a digital camcorder. But get this... this video hasn't just past the threshold, it's got to 90,000 views and got me $400. I received a contract earlier this week, which I had to complete and e-mail back. Payment is made at the beginning of each month, so we'll see if this is the real deal or not, come January 2007...
Two more computer tutorials up...
How To Free Space On Your Computer! - video powered by Metacafe
Speed Up Your Computer - video powered by Metacafe
I added two more computer videos today. Not so much tutorials as demonstrations as I didn't added any subtitles/instructions. These have got even worse feedback and fewer views. Things are not looking up... Maybe I underestimated how hard this really is. Anyway I managed to sort out the quality by using the zoom function. It may be that the videos are too simple. Ones about defragmenting your computer and the other's about disk cleanup. Quite useful if your new to computers.
My First Video
How To Make Your Own Desktop Icon! - video powered by Metacafe
I uploaded my first video to metacafe today. It is a simple computer tutorial as I have seen these to be quite successful and I can't yet afford a decent camcorder. The quality is really bad as the metacafe users have let me know :( . I'll try and work on a way to get around this and hopefully come back with something better and clearer...
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